
Updated: March 15, 2017

Thank you for being a Beta tester of Quartermaster!

Your Data 

All your data is stored on the same servers as we will use for production, so you can be confident that all your data will be available to you in production after the Beta period is finished.

Fake Credit Card

Credit card payments are not real on our Beta site and you will not be charged for anything. Instead of using your own card, we recommend you use the following fake test credit card number:

4242 4242 4242 4242

Expiration date can be anything, but the payment will only be valid, if it is a valid date in the future. CCV number and ZIP code can be any number.


To report bugs, you may use the bug icon next to the logout button. You can also send us an e-mail to, if you're more comfortable with that method. Feel free to bug anything. Design, color, errors, performance and more, we're open to suggestions and improving our app.

Again, thank you for your support in helping us make this app.

Petter & Octavia